Wednesday, May 27, 2009

猪血糕 and 臭豆腐

   Hmmm, well I wish I could tell you what this page is titled, however, what I can tell you is that it is available at the Shillin Night Market in Taipei!
   What you see to your right however, is not available at the Shillin Night Market, but what I can tell you, is that it was available, right here at 1702 tonight!
   A simple dish, consisting of Ground Turkey, Onions, Garlic, Basil and Green Chili Peppers. Throw this on a bed of Spinach with Basmati Rice and thank-you, dinner is served.....hey we haven't left yet, what were you expecting, Chinese!!!
Until then, keep checking in,

Friday, May 22, 2009

Curry in a Hurry!!!

....or should I say NOT so much of a hurry!!!
Chicken Tika Masala, Vindaloo Potatoes, Madras Pork and Fruit, "Really" Spicy Dahl, Mushroom Saag, Cashews 'n' Cauliflower, Red Chili Green Beans and don't forget the Saffron Rice, along with the Breads and Chutneys, were the menu items at my Birthday bash the other night, however, the items on next weeks menu, promise to have a much more Oriental flare.....Chinese anyone. 
Should anyone have any requests as to what they'd like to see or have me cook/taste, please post or comment and I shall try to oblige, but remember, I DO have my limits and a healthy gag reflex!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Crazy Days!

Ever wonder why we run around just days before going anywhere?
I've decided that we all need these 'Crazy Days' so we can appreciate the fact that we're actually going away!!!
As a few of you know, our Family is off to China in a while and one thing we hope to do is eat our way through this magnificent land.
Check back frequently to view our travels and enjoy the food, vicariously, if nothing else.