Wednesday, May 27, 2009

猪血糕 and 臭豆腐

   Hmmm, well I wish I could tell you what this page is titled, however, what I can tell you is that it is available at the Shillin Night Market in Taipei!
   What you see to your right however, is not available at the Shillin Night Market, but what I can tell you, is that it was available, right here at 1702 tonight!
   A simple dish, consisting of Ground Turkey, Onions, Garlic, Basil and Green Chili Peppers. Throw this on a bed of Spinach with Basmati Rice and thank-you, dinner is served.....hey we haven't left yet, what were you expecting, Chinese!!!
Until then, keep checking in,


  1. Hey got you on my email, can't wait to see you and the family on your journey, Have some good eats and sleepless nights! And don't forget to have a TsingTao on me!

    Love you all,
    Lola (oops aka Laurie)

  2. Sounds absolutely flippin divine!
    If you were here to cook it we'd eat it ;-)
    But as it is we had barbeque on one of the few nice days of the British summer ... keep them coming
