Friday, June 5, 2009

Who (K)nose?

.....and so, this is the beginning, or should I say the Nose!!!

Here they are, the lights of my life, about to embark on a journey like no other they or we have ever taken together, am I nuts or just a fruitcake?

Speaking of fruit; ever experienced the sheer delight of biting into a perfect strawberry? Well, look no further than China Airlines!!!

After mopping the juice from her chin, Nancy exclaimed with delight, that she was surely going to enjoy China as that was the best strawberry she'd had the pleasure of eating.....slight problem though, upon enquiring where this delicacy came from, was politely told by Cecilia, our Taiwanese Attendant, KULA!!!  Oh yes, this is going to be a fun trip!!!

Sitting in the dark, shuttered cabin(the only light being a beam, coming from above my head), my earphones, quietly playing Chinese love songs, (I can only guess as to what they're singing, but the emotion seems to be that of love),  I have the pleasure of being told about a variety of dishes, that I 'HAVE TO TRY'! 

One example would be a Dim Sum that is filled with soup, (cannot wait to try this). It is only made in one place, Cecilia tells me and yes, I will post the name and address of the restaurant on a later blog!

Did any of you know that there is one distinct difference to the cuisine of the North and South of Taiwan? Apparently, the North favours somewhat saltier dishes, whereas in the South all dishes are cooked with a slight amount of sugar.....hmmm, does this mean the people of the South are sweeter, guess we'll have to see!!! 

Here are a few phonetic Chinese words for you to mull over, whilst I continue finding out more about the fun eateries I can visit.

sheyshey.....thank-you thank-you

and're welcome


  1. Hello there, food sounds delish, you sound as though you are having fun chatting up the stewardesss!!! Why am I not surprised? By now you will have landed and I hope all is well with you all
    Luv ya xx

  2. Yes he is quite good at that!
