Thursday, June 18, 2009

Catch up!

Sitting here, overlooking the city of Xian, I suddenly realized I hadn't mentioned the Terra cotta armies. Looking at the photos does not allow you to feel the awe that you do, when first seeing the enormous pit, filled with these life size statues. What sort of power did the Emperors of Old have over their subjects is all I could think? Millions of people were put to work on digging the channels that house these beauties!!!
Buried 10 feet below earths surface, the channels were filled with statues, each one really is individual, in both body and face(which by the way are separate pieces). On top of the walls, beams were placed to create a roof, then bamboo matting was placed on those and then the soil was piled back, making the whole thing disappear to allow farming to continue. Hence, the surprise, when they were discovered by a farmer digging for a well. 
Generations had farmed the land, atop their heads, always believing the soil was less fertile here, than in other regions, never really knowing the infertility was caused by there being a natural(well man made) drainage field!!!
The actual Emperors tomb is the little hill you see, to this day untouched(one hopes).
Enjoy as we're off to catch a flight to Chendu, will post you later!!!

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