Saturday, June 13, 2009

From under the Veil!

Well, here I am again, sorry for the lack of postings, NOT because of not having anything to say (as all of you know, I'm NEVER short of something to say), but rather, blogging is not allowed in China!!!
Then how, I here you saying, am I now able to be doing this, well, thanks to the wonderful world of cyber tricks, I have software installed that permits me to blog to my hearts content.
What have we been up to.....hmmmm, now let me think. Apart from eating up a storm; of the most amazing and varied foods(thank-you Brian, for showing us the restaurants), we've been visiting any and every site a tourist can fit in, in a week.....yes, we extended our stay here in Beijing, 'cause after walking around Tienamen Square the first day we arrived, realized there was no way we could fit it all in in 4 days!!!
The 'Lake' you see, is at the Summer Palace. 
Any person wanting to really enjoy it should allow themselves a couple of days, at least, think Central Park or Hyde Park, as your own back yard, with the most wonderful buildings and gardens you can imagine. The bridge is a replica of The Marco Polo Bridge(Lugou Qiao) in Beijing. It's name comes about because of 'Marco's' writings of it in his Journals. It has 11 arches and over 500 carved Lions; and that's only 1 of the bridges here!!!
Whilst here we ate a bag full of Steamed Pork Buns and speaking of pork buns, I finally managed to get me lips wrapped around the most delicious little dumplings at a restaurant called Ding Tai Feng. 
Shao Long Pao(their correct name), are filled with pork and SOUP, as you can see by the picture. Think little pockets of steaming soup, that you have to bite a little hole in, suck out the soup and then enjoy the tasty savoury meat filling.....mmmm, divine!!!
Sorry, but I need to end now, as Tayler and I are off to the Beijing Zoo; whilst Nancy has a 'Maintenance Day'..... you girls out there know EXACTLY what I mean!!!
ps. I promise to play catch up later tonight, as we're off to Xian tomorrow(home of the Terracotta Armies). Don't let me forget to tell you about the Peking Duck and Spicy Szechuan(when I say spicy, I mean S-P-I-C-Y), we've had along the way!!!
Until then, enjoy, 


  1. There actually are 17 arches on the Marco Polo Bridge. He accidentally made a mistake and has now counted the arches on the picture. You can count them if you don't believe that my dad made a mistake, but you should believe it. The Summer Palace was amazing, but is too large to see in one day. The Shao Long Pao was absolutely amazing to eat, but the only problem with them was that there weren't more to have. Yesterday we saw a show called' "Chun Yi, the Legend of Kung Fu." It was good except the people in front of my dad and I were bugging the heck out of us.

  2. so now I can comment but it seems there are not enough hours in a day for the computer. I did not go for the shaol Long Pao as I was getting some much needed bath, sleep, making reservations not in that order but you know the things that make the world go round. hard pressed with american express being as frustrating as well. today we go to xian
    love to all, gotta pack up

  3. The kung fu show was wonderful from my seat because they gave me the one for the shortest person. I loved every minute of it.
    the food here is totally amazing, whis I wasn't so tired but yesterday I let them go it alone to the zoo and I did the fab spa thing at the pennisula. We followed that with the fab dinner in some part of town that he will write about.
    love to all
