Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Zippin' 'round 'The Wall'

Evening all, it's 10pm Wednesday here and do I have a story to tell, so sit back and buckle up.

Ever felt you were being, well let me tell you about being rushed, if you don''t know what I mean!!!

As you can see from the delightful pictures taken, we visited the wall in Xian. If you are able, you can read how and when it was, really, it is an amazing site, one that's meant to be done on foot or on one of the many bikes that are available to rent, at the East Gate.

We, on the other hand, opted to take the mini bus(let's just call it that), price, 50RMB per person(a steal, seeing as though The Wall's a rectangle, nearly 14 kilometers around). The 'bus' holds 6 people and in order for it 'to move', apparently had to have 6 people.....hmmm, there were only 3 of us, so quick thinking me, offered 100RMB per person, lighter load(see where I'm going with this?), but at least the money weight was there!!!

Before leaving, our driver told us we would be given about 5 minutes at each gate(North, South, West and well, we were already at the East gate so!!!), to look around and take photos etc.

C-H-A-R-G-E and we're off, tearing down the first straight at about 30 km/ph, okay, maybe not that fast, but the wall sure was whipping by!!! 

Wait, I see a toilet, please oh please, can we stop before Nancy wets herself? Sure, brakes on, cushion slides forward, off the bench, launching me to the floor. Stop, Reverse, Stop, move it, move it, move it, we gotta go!  (Now, I need to slow down here and tell you that whilst Nancy was doing her business, the Driver set forth doing his, lowering the tire pressure, for a smoother ride!!!)

C-H-A-R-G-E again we're off, hark, I see the first corner, can we stop.....hmmm, yes, somewhat disgruntled, but stop we did, quick, snap a few pics and yep.....

C-H-A-R-G-E we were off again, STOP, phew, we made it to the South Gate. 4 minutes we're told, that must have been a quick pee, we only had 1 minute taken off, AND we managed to stop at a corner!!!

.....but wait a minute, I've lost Nancy, oh, there's a shop, go figure!!!  3 T-shirts and a bargain Silk Blouse(600RMB, asking-100RMB paid), nearly didn't seal the deal though, scared the driver would leave. Nancy literally left the store and had the manager running after her, but seal she did and.....

C-H-A-R-G-E we're off, bouncing down the grey, brick wall road, where's Dorothy when you need her? STOP, wait, we're no where, not at a gate, not at a loo, so why have we stopped.....hmmm, there's a table with 4 men sitting, driver gets out and signs a book; maybe he's being timed me thinks, no, can't be. Yep, you guessed it.....

C-H-A-R-G-E we're off again, never did find out what he signed, but as you can see, we were now rolling around the place, laughing our heads off, must have looked like a bunch of cackling Hyenas, but a good time was being had by all.

S-T-O-P we're at the West Gate, 5 minutes we're told, didn't need it though, no loo, no shops, just a Gate for goodness sakes!!!

C-H-A-R-G-E and once again, were off, screaming down the straight, around the corner, buildings flying by, architecture on the outside of the wall, sky risers and on the inside of the wall, low risers!!!

S-T-O-P now we're at the North Gate, got to get a few more pics, just for the hell of it. Whilst I was snapping, Nancy and Tayler were fending off 2 Chinese gals wanting to catch a ride, "Give me 50 and you've got a deal" I say, "No deal" they say, sooo, you guessed it.

C-H-A-R-G-E, we're off again, nearly hitting the home stretch now, only one more 90' corner left to go. On the inside of the wall, all the buildings are rubble, as you can see(sorry for the picture quality but as I said, they were flying by), Gov's making way for some new ones we've been told.

S-T-O-P we're here, the East Gate, tours over and all that, in just under an hour!!!-----SIGH-----

Now, if ever you think you're being rushed, think again and remember, you're only rushed, when you feel the wind, slapping at your cheeks.

Oh Happy Day!!!


F.Y.I.  The Wall was built in 582, yes, that's the year 582!!!


1 comment:

  1. He forgot to mention the visit to the terra cotta warriors. They were an incredible site as they have also now discovered 2 new chariots with horses. I was in a wheel chair as I would not be able to do the whole tour and walk the next day (this day of our ride on the wall). Our tour guide was so bad that he has been banished from this hotel, thats how much we learned from him. He did however take us to a shop to part with our cash. We almost had a replica made of Taylers head in a statue/warrior form with the 2 buns but for the price we thought not! I was getting tired of bargaining. sorry dad and mary we were going to have it sent to you but ...Later we found out that tayler does eat peanut brittle! doesn't that mean he eats peanuts too?
