Saturday, June 6, 2009

After the Tea Party!

Good Morning, finally, I've set the time to where we are, sorry 'bout that!!!
Having filled our bellies with Tea Infused Cuisine, we set off once again to find the Hot Springs in a town called Wulai; funny, since we also had to pass through the 4 kilometer 'belly' of a mountain to do so, but as you can see by the pictures, find it we did!
The small private room was ours to enjoy for and by the hour and trust me an hour is all you need(judge for yourself, by the 'after' picture of us with that certain, 'happy glow').
Having your 15 year old comment that "this is amazing" made it all worthwhile, especially as whilst walking through the Tea Museum, I got the distinct feeling that he thought it was going to be, 'one of those days'!!!
The eye level view, of the lusciously green riverbank and aquamarine river below, were all that was needed, to ensure you relax and forget any worries you might have had before walking in and the boiling hot tub and adjacent cold plunge made it a reality.
All in all, a great day was had by everyone and the best part, done in only a matter of hours. Okay, we did have a little help from our driver, Simon and his smooth riding B.M.W. 
We only got lost twice and had to ask for directions 3 times, but whose counting!!!


  1. Sounds as though the Tea Museum was a huge success there is obviously so much to experience. Luv ya all xx

  2. Here I am, in "sorry" Kula (famous, among other things, for strawberries in case you did not know)!
    On call!
    With a cold!!
    The only thing I can think of, to not barf out of sheer jealousy, is our upcoming trip to Kyushu/Japan for Sumo and Fugu, followed by Bali and Djakarta for fun and cooking classes (tax deductible, thank you).



  3. OOOPS, I forgot to say: ENJOY!!!

