Friday, June 5, 2009

A Wasted Journey???

The time now is 12 midnight(well almost) and having aborted my trip to Shilin Night Market, I find myself needing to tell you why!
Ever been waiting on the Train/Metro platform and when the train pulls up, realize that there's no way you can possibly board? Happened to me for the first time in my life!!! 
Exhilaration, when I managed to get my token, after watching numerous people hitting the buttons of the automated machines(coin amounts and symbols, being my only guide), soon turned to abject fear, when the train pulled up and all I could see was jam packed cars; and when I say jammed, I mean JAMMED!!!
It wasn't the people that bothered me, but rather the feeling of Holy C--p, if I need to, who could I ask for help in identifying my stop. So, with a 'chickened out' tail between my legs, I promptly walked back the way I'd just come.
Reaching street level and another sea of people, the realization of being an idiot, slammed home, so instead of skulking into bed next to Nancy, I decided to take my sorry(you know what) and explore and let me tell you, I had one of the best spicy chicken and rice dishes I've ever had the pleasure of eating!!!
Tucked away on a side street(no, don't ask me which one, but I can tell you it was near 'The Love Corner', which I had seen earlier in the day), was a little hole in the wall, with the most amazing smells seeping from its walls. I don't know whether I smelled , tasted or just plain saw the aromas, but I promptly sat myself down and ordered "General Tsao's Spicy Chicken".....Amazing! 
Bite size pieces of Soy Sauced-Chicken, Bok Choy, Green Onion, Cashews and a mountain of chopped, dried smokey Chilies. Next to this, sat a steaming pile of White Rice and to my surprise, a bowl of clear broth, Egg Drop Soup. With ears itching and nose running, it was a pleasure to sip the soothing broth, at the end of the meal. 
Add to this a litre of Taiwanese beer and my meal was done, all for around US$10, again.....Amazing!!!
So, here I sit, now well past 12 midnight, having to wonder, was it really a 'Wasted Journey'???
Oh, by the way, tomorrow, we visit Pin Lin, a town where we'll eat at a restaurant that serves tea, in every dish!!!


  1. I opt for food anyday before getting smushed into a train never to be seen again.
    At least we will know where to look for you in the future.

    Hugs you guys!!

  2. That sounds like a wonderful experience for you not to get on the train as so many people here are wearing masks! Thank you for letting tayler and I sleep to catch up with the time zones as we all know I am up at 4 A.M. every day. What a wonderful time we had at the 101 building and I didn't even stop and shop. This is like a challenge to me to not go back out right now as I do love to. The views from this building were fantastic as I believe it was around 97 floors up in the sky. I did so enjoy seeing the top of Taipei and the beyond where we will be driven to today. I look forward to soaking in the hot springs after our meal.My feet are not hurting but the rest of me is aching. these new insoles inside these ortho shoes are actually working. maybe I need a body suit made out of it. Onward through the fog as we used to say...

  3. What I want to know is will you stil be able to fit into your clothes by the time the holiday is over???!!!! Mind you I am green with envy as I can imagine the delicious smells and wonderful tastes.
