Saturday, July 4, 2009

1st OR 2nd!!!

Sitting here in the 4 Berth Sleeping car of a Chinese Train, I wonder how 'they'(the Concierge) got it wrong, or did they, read on.....

How is it that after saying I wanted a 1st Class 'soft sleeper', did I manage to get a Second Class, not-so-soft Sleeper???

Ahhhh, well if nothing else, the sheets are clean, there are no weird smells and the family is all in the same cabin; it would have been Nancy and myself in one compartment and Tayler and the now '6' bags in another(yes, the bags have been steadily multiplying).

Laying back on the bottom bunk, reminds me of those 'good old days', when I used to have to suffer the voyage between Gwelo and Salisbury on Rhodesia Railways, at the beginning and end of each school term; this however, is luxury in comparison, as in those days, we never got to enjoy the bunks, let alone the compartments!!!. However, there really is something romantic or perhaps soul calming about traveling by train, maybe it's a mental throwback, to when things were slower in pace, or could it just be that familiar rocking to and fro(think being a baby), which lulls one into that certain Zen state, I feel right now(go on, if you think about it for a second or two, you know exactly what I mean), provided you've travelled on a train that is!!!

Sitting in the compartment earlier, enjoying 'Ramen Noodles'(mine; Shrimp and Veggies, Tayler's; Beef, which tasted more like Chicken and Nancy's a Spicy Sichuan Beef), shall be a memory for me to cherish for a long time, as it was so simple and uncomplicated and such a joy. There was no thinking of what, where or how, just plain old smiles and happiness(Holy crap, the train just bumped and scared the bejessus out of me, awoke the Family too, forgot about that part of train travel!!!). Now, where was I, oh's the small little uncomplicated things, that make life so worth living and traveling by train, allows you to feel that way, if only for a few hours!!!

Just thought I'd share!!!


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