Saturday, July 4, 2009

Say Cheese-y!!!

With a river running through the City, one has to either go over or under it, when traveling from one side to the other and this is where the cheese factor comes in!!!

As seen in the accompanying pictures, the two ways, apart from the cost factor, couldn't be further from each other than the Poles.

50RMB entitles you to a return 'trip' on what I like to call 'The Fantasy Train' or what it is actually called, 'The Sightseeing Tunnel' tell me, how much sightseeing can one really do in a tunnel? This tunnel though, really is something out of this world and does allow you to take a trip, more of an Acid Trip, but a trip none the less!!!

After weaving your way down flights of escalators, you reach the little platform, where your 'Pod' arrives on a conveyor belt, to whisk you, slowly to the other side. Once in 'the pod' you have nothing more to do, then stand and wonder or stare in amazement, at the light show that you find yourself in. Think Willie Wonker's Chocolate Factory, when he takes the kids on their tour, as this has swirling lights, air sock people. 'molten magma fields' and an asteroid belt, to mention a few of the delights. Cheesy it might be, but does it do it's job, you bet it does, as it has to be one of the easiest, though expensive, ways of getting to the 'other side'!!!

If on the other hand you wish to really experience life in Shanghai, take the Ferry to the other side. These diesel fume spouting barges are fantastic, albeit in a utilitarian way and costing absolutely nothing and I mean absolutely nothing(got 4,05RMB change from a 5 for three of us), to get across. You stand alongside the scooters, bikes and fellow passengers in a holding pen and when the gates open, join in the push, to get on board. Once all are aboard, the vessel is quite skillfully weaved through the other traffic on the river, sometimes speeding up and at other times almost stopping for HUGE ship. When the crossing is done, its doors once again open, to allow yet another surge, of people and machinery out of its belly.

There is a third way across, that being in a taxi, which will cost about 25-30RMB, depending on where you begin of course, however the time factor involved, doesn't make it worthwhile. It took about 45 minutes for us to get from Ya Yuan(the Old City) to our Hotel, the same amount of time it took us a few days later to walk from there, to the ferry and have a ride to remember!!!

Ohhhh, forgot to mention, the other thing about taking a cab is that you sit in the traffic, UNDER the river!!!

Happy crossings and remember to say.....'Cheese',


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